Lesson 9: More and Less than 1%

Let’s explore percentages smaller than 1%.

9.1: Number Talk: What Percentage?

Determine the percentage mentally.

10 is what percentage of 50?

5 is what percentage of 50?

1 is what percentage of 50?

17 is what percentage of 50?

9.2: Waiting Tables

During one waiter’s shift, he delivered appetizers, entrées, and desserts. What percentage of the dishes were desserts? appetizers? entrées? What do your percentages add up to?

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9.3: Fractions of a Percent

  1. Find each percentage of 60. What do you notice about your answers?

    30% of 60

    3% of 60

    0.3% of 60

    0.03% of 60

  2. 20% of 5,000 is 1,000 and 21% of 5,000 is 1,050. Find each percentage of 5,000 and be prepared to explain your reasoning. If you get stuck, consider using the double number line diagram.

    1. 1% of 5,000

    2. 0.1% of 5,000

    3. 20.1% of 5,000

    4. 20.4% of 5,000

      A double number line with 12 tick marks. The first tick mark is followed by a break and then 11 evenly spaced tick marks. For the top number line, the number 0 is on the first tick mark, 1000 on the second, and 1050 on the twelfth. For the bottom number line, the percentage 0% is on the first tick mark, 20% on the second, and 21% on the twelfth.
  3. 15% of 80 is 12 and 16% of 80 is 12.8. Find each percentage of 80 and be prepared to explain your reasoning.

    1. 15.1% of 80

    2. 15.7% of 80


9.4: Population Growth

  1. The population of City A was approximately 243,000 people, and it increased by 8% in one year. What was the new population?
  2. The population of city B was approximately 7,150,000, and it increased by 0.8% in one year. What was the new population?


A percentage, such as 30%, is a rate per 100. To find 30% of a quantity, we multiply it by $30\div 100$, or 0.3.

The same method works for percentages that are not whole numbers, like 7.8% or 2.5%. To find 2.5% of a quantity, we multiply it by $2.5 \div 100$, or 0.025.

In the square, 2.5% of the area is shaded.

  • For example, to calculate 2.5% interest on a bank balance of \$80, we multiply $(0.025)\boldcdot 80 = 2$, so the interest is \$2.

We can sometimes find percentages like 2.5% mentally by using convenient whole number percents. For example, 25% of 80 is one fourth of 80, which is 20. Since 2.5 is one tenth of 25, we know that 2.5% of 80 is one tenth of 20, which is 2.

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